
Our aims

We aim for all our children to be:

We do this by:

Providing a happy, safe, secure and well-ordered environment; Valuing and continuously promoting a love of learning;

Devising and presenting a relevant and stimulating curriculum which encourages Creative thinking, problem solving and enterprise to build skills and knowledge;

Valuing and ensuring the highest possible achievements in all aspects of the curriculum and school life for all learners;

Rewarding success and celebrating achievement;

Ensuring equality of opportunity, respect for all and tolerance for difference;

Believing in and fostering an ethos of high expectations and high self-esteem for all; Encouraging and supporting the continuing professional development of all staff;

Working with parents and carers as partners in their child’s education;

Working with all stakeholders and outside agencies in order to safeguard children and provide the best chances of success for all;

Working together to ensure continuity and utilise all skills;

Supporting learners in their development of understanding right and wrong, self discipline and the respect for the rights and needs of others;

Encouraging all to become independent decision makers;

Preparing children to become global citizens and to achieve economic well-being; and Being proud of our school, its work and its community.




All the staff work together as a team to help every child achieve their full potential and this includes a range of education and pastoral support. There is a dedicated SENCO (Special Education Needs Coordinator) who is a qualified teacher and responsible for leading on SEN provision throughout the whole school. There is also a team of skilled and dedicated Teaching Assistants and Higher Level Teaching Assistants, who work alongside the teachers to provide effective support, tailored to the needs of individual children with additional needs.


Outlined below are the types of things we do to support all of our children with additional needs as well as targeted types of support that we are able to provide in relation specific areas of SEN.





For all pupils with SEND:


  •         We value and recognise the role families play in their children’s lives and work closely in partnership with them.
  •         We use pupil friendly individual education plans (IEPs) which clearly state the pupil’s area(s) of need, their targets and the provision and resources to be implemented to support them in meeting the targets set for them.
  •         We involve the pupil, parents or carers and key staff members in the writing, implementing and reviewing of individual education plans.
  •         We deliver high quality teaching, differentiating the curriculum and our resources to meet the needs of individual pupils and to promote pupil progress.
  •         We seek support and advice from a range of outside agencies to ensure barriers to success are fully identified and responded to.
  •         We operate a graduated response based upon need; assess, plan, do, review which is monitored by the SENCO.
  •         All school-related activities are evaluated in terms of their positive impact on the learning success and inclusion of pupils with SEND.
  •         We use strategies to reduce anxiety and promote emotional well-being.
  •         We ensure that our school activities and trips are accessible to all our SEND pupils.
  •         Support staff are placed where they are needed throughout the school to ensure pupil progress and independence.
  •         All staff have completed and continued to receive, on-going training in relation to meeting pupils’ needs in the classroom.
  •         Support is offered to families and they are signposted to services and organisations which may offer appropriate support or advice via the Newcastle Local Offer.
  •         We offer support to all pupils and parents during all periods of transition
  •         We liaise closely with other schools at transition times to ensure that SEN pupil information is clearly communicated so that the move to the next school is as smooth as possible.
  • We work in partnership with parents and carers to meet the needs of individual pupils.